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Soccer Stories
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The other football from South Africa

Different ways to use the football to improve the social situation of the lowest classes of the young South Africans.
Most of young people only live for football. The most popular sport among the black South Africans it’ s being used for years in projects that seek to improve the life of the most disadvantaged.
In Gaansbai, close to the bay where tourists of the whole world pay fortunes for spotting white sharks, an initiative supported by the Foundation Marcos Senna will keep away 4.000 minors far from the streets of Masakhane's wretched suburb. Trying to transmit values of living in harmony and teaching healthy habits.
In Gugulethu, township near Cape Town, soccer among lesbians, group that finds in the sport a refuge against aggressions focused on them.
Alexandra, Johannesburg’s black township, where a communicator prepares young men and women from the suburb to cover the sports event as journalists, while a project: Football for local Hope, teaches to prevent the infection of the VIH to children of the most affected country by AIDS of the whole planet.
Different stories where soccer opens a door for the hope, beyond winning or losing a match.